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Ferris Wheel of World Dances: Study Hall Prep Students Dance for a Better World

Lucknow: Study Hall Prep organized its annual concert at the Sant Gadge Auditorium on 27th November, where children conveyed a powerful message of collective and environmental consciousness through their stellar performances. The theme of the concert was Ferris Wheel of World Dances.

The event began with a warm welcome from the Headmistress, Rachna Sinha, who expressed her gratitude to the children and staff for their hard work in preparing for the concert. “Our children have shared the message that their dream is to envision a world where people are connected through music and dance, transcending all linguistic, geographical, and cultural barriers,” said Sinha, highlighting the core message conveyed through their spectacular performances. Meenakshi Bahadur, Principal Study Hall, welcomed the parents.

The students performed dances from across the world, showcasing how they are actively working as a team to keep their wheel turning happily. Various dance forms, such as Salsa, Persian, French, Ghoomar,  blend of Indian and Western classical, were performed. Through these performances, the children communicated that joyfulness is the essence of life, and that music, dance, and celebrations unite us all.

Meenakshi Shah, Vice Principal of Study Hall, expressed her gratitude and pride in the students and teachers for their hard work and the insightful message delivered through their performances. The concert ended on a high note with a grand finale and the National Anthem.

The event was a great success, underscoring the importance of teaching children about unity in diversity. Each “cabin” of the Ferris wheel represented different countries with linguistic differences, but shared the common goal of joyfulness, inspiring all to work together for a better world. The performance reminded us that when we come together and set aside our differences, the world becomes richer and brighter.